Spirituality, Well Being
What it really means to rest (hint: it’s not about fancy self-care)
We all know theoretically we need to get plenty of rest. Self-care is a big theme these days, and there are plenty of reminders about how much sleep we need, exercise routines we could be doing, foods we should be eating and an overarching meme that we need to be kinder to ourselves, whatever that really means. And then there’s reality, which often bears no resemblance. I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit the last week, as a chronic condition I have has flared up again, often triggered in the past due to stress and lack of sleep. Interestingly our bodies have a way of sending us messages that we often try to ignore. Because of this flare up, it’s prompted me to rest. I toned down my activities; I’m spending most evenings in, trying to eat as healthy as I can, getting my yoga class in every day, making sure I head to bed early. I’ve eased up on the work front, being careful not to commit to too many things. I let go of being overly responsive on email. On the surface, I look rested. My skin even has a more youthful glow! But on the inside, not so much. Our minds will sabotage our restfulness On the inside I’m plagued with worries. Worried about how long this flare-up will last, worried that I’m not doing enough ongoing business development and marketing. Worried that I’m about to rebrand my career coaching practice as “burnout coaching” and worried that I won’t be able to attract new clients that way. Worried about my friendships and my key relationships in life, am I putting in enough effort? I cleared my mind of work finally and then I started ruminating about a specific friend and how I had texted her a few times and she hadn’t responded. Maybe she’s mad at me? I haven’t been super communicative recently and I haven’t reached out all that much. Maybe this is her passive aggressive way of sending me a message? Maybe I should call? But then why should I, that’s codependent behavior. I’m tired of having to make the effort. She should text back… I started to recognize that in the absence of work problems, my mind had fixated on this friend in the obsessive, compulsive way the mind often does so that it has something to do. I willed it to stop. And then I started noticing my office library needed to be redecorated and found myself aimlessly scrolling on amazon, looking for new rugs. Nothing looked good. I’ve now sent three back just in case you were wondering and I’m no closer to achieving that carefree boho look that I crave. We have to learn to receive rest And then I realized something very important about rest. It’s not something we necessarily achieve through physical means, although good practices like getting the proper amount of sleep are helpful in many respects. It’s something we must allow ourselves to receive, to truly […]
July 31, 2024
5.6 min read