Well Being
Five Tips for Yoga Beginners Any Klutz Can Do
Every once in a while, you think of that yoga mat in the back of your closet that your well-intentioned woo-woo sister bought you for Christmas, and you feel a pang of guilt. Work has been stressful – maybe one class wouldn’t hurt? And then the memory comes flooding back of that god-forsaken Zumba class you took a year ago. The instructor was shouting instructions like a crazed banshee. Your feet turned into the proverbial two left ones. At one point the overzealous woman next to you tripped you and you did a faceplant on the floor. Well, don’t worry, you’re not alone. If you’ve ever felt this way, this next blog on hatha yoga (the yoga of twisting yourself into a pretzel-like formation while trying to maintain a peaceful zen-like feeling) is for you. And while there are many different types of yoga, such as: Dhyana (what most folks would describe as sitting meditation . . . can you say ommmmmmm?), Karma yoga (the yoga of action and unselfishly doing good for others), Jnana yoga (the yoga of wisdom, e.g. is that chair real? – am I really here? – will the Texans ever make it to the Super Bowl?) and many more yogas, for the purposes of this blog we’re going to focus on hatha yoga for three reasons. Why? First of all, it’s more common than Starbucks, seeing as how you can’t go more than ten feet before tripping over another new studio these days. Second, it’s what most Westerners associate the word yoga with. And, finally, it’s quite often misunderstood. So with all that said, here are my 5 tips for yoga beginners guaranteed to make you dust off that ratty mat that’s lurking in the depths of your musty closet. Tips for Yoga Beginners Yoga Beginner Tip #1: Try a Few Different Yoga Styles Which of the following are types of hatha yoga? Vinyasa Kundalini Ashtanga Bikram Hot yoga Restorative Iyengar Yin Yes, it was a little bit of a trick. (Sorry!) These are all forms of hatha yoga. Be aware, some studios nowadays even have another type specifically called hatha yoga (just to make things really complicated), but at the end of the day it’s all just hatha yoga. Which leads me to the first tip for starting your yoga practice. Maybe you try a class, and it’s too fast. Try another. Maybe you try one, and it’s too slow. Try another. All of these different styles have their unique advantages. No style is better than another, despite what some studios will tell you. Most studios have introductory offers that are dirt cheap that last for a week or so where you have the opportunity to try a number of different classes. Make the most of it. Yoga Beginner Tip #2: Go at Least Twice a Week In order for the yoga to really be effective, you need to find a rhythm with it. If you’re going sporadically, it’s hard
February 27, 2018
6.8 min read
The Reason You Shouldn’t Care What Others Think
I debated it back and forth in my mind before I sent the text. “Should I or shouldn’t I?” “What if she didn’t mean it?” “Then it’s going to be awkward from this point forward.” “People say things all the time about getting together but they never do.” I quickly wrote the text and hit send before I could give it another thought. Hey Kristin, it’s Shelley from boot camp. Would you and Vince be up for meeting for drinks/dinner the weekend of the 21st? No response that evening, which didn’t surprise me. I know she works late at an urgent care clinic. No response the next day either, and I must admit at this point I started to feel a bit foolish. Or the day after that. And just in case you’re wondering, she never did respond. And yes it was terribly awkward, especially the day I saw her again at boot camp. I saw her out of the corner of my eye approaching, looked up and flashed a nervous smile in her direction and then felt that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. You know the one. It’s the feeling that makes you want to run and hide when you realize you’re the last classmate standing and neither side has picked you for their team in gym class. (I was the smart one, not the sporty one.) I tried not to make eye contact and busied myself with my weights. She dropped her mat down next to mine and the workout began. A few minutes in she leaned over and said, “I’m so sorry I haven’t responded to your text, things have been really crazy busy the last few days.” Her profuse apologies made me feel worse, the sinking feeling was back, and I did my best to reassure her while doing jumping jacks that it was no problem at all. “It will work out whenever the time is right,” I heard myself saying. The next time I saw her at boot camp it was the same story. And the same the time after that. She kept apologizing. And I kept reassuring her that it was no big deal, I wasn’t offended, I understand how life goes. After the 3rd or 4th crazy busy the shame and embarrassment turned to anger. Wtf! Who the hell does this woman think she is! Does she think I’m just sitting around waiting for the opportunity when she and her husband grace us with their presence at dinner? What a bitch. And then the righteous indignation set in. Why me? Here I am trying to do something nice like I always do and no one appreciates it. Why am I the one who always has to coordinate everything? Why am I the one who always has to be the heavy? Why am I the one who always puts myself out there and gets humiliated? If she ever does come up with a date for dinner, I’ll tell her we’re busy.
February 12, 2018
4.6 min read
Career Coaching
No Life Direction? No Problem.
Have you ever suffered as a result of having no life direction? Here's a tip on tapping into and trusting the power of your intuition.
January 30, 2018
4.1 min read
One Way to Awaken the Inner Warrior in the New Year
Have you ever been the recipient of a comment that annoyed the crap out of you? Here's a tip for using that as the motivation to awaken the inner warrior.
January 15, 2018
4.1 min read
Career Coaching
How Career Coaching Can Change Your Life
Life is Hard. Finding Your Passion Doesn’t Have to Be. Think about it. When you were young and immature you were handed one of the biggest decisions you can make. You were supposed to decide what you wanted to do for the rest of your life. At 18, it’s often a struggle to even decide where you want to eat your next meal, let alone decide how to spend the next 40+ years. The reason that so many people are often left unsatisfied with their life is because they are tasked with making a career decision before they are ready. People change. Things change. If you feel stuck or stagnant in life maybe it is time to look introspectively at what it is you truly want or desire out of life. If it’s your career that is draining your happiness, maybe career coaching is for you. Take it from me, I understand what it feels like to stare at the clock blankly waiting for the time to pass until you can escape. Many years and dollars later I have discovered my passion and want to help you do the same. You Don’t Have to Be on the Verge of Career Crisis Career coaching is not reserved for those who who are at the point of storming out of the office yelling “I QUIT”. Everyone goes through phases of general dissatisfaction with their careers. Hey, life isn’t perfect. The beauty of my career coaching services is that no matter how trivial or tremendous your career troubles, I can help you refocus or redirect your passion and talent. Find Your Why With Career Coaching My career coaching includes a process that is proven to work. Here’s why: most career consultants often focus too much on the what. You take several tests that cost hundreds of dollars to end with a career suggestion such as “teacher” or “software engineer”. This may be a starting place, but not the right one. What you truly need to discover is the why. Why you do what you do. To find the source of your drive, I will guide you through a series of questions such as: What is that one thing that gets you excited every morning? Why do you do what you do? Why are you unhappy in your career? Why is one career path more appealing to you than another? Once you answer these essential questions, you are ready to learn how. Ready to Learn How? Once we have figured out the essential “why”, the next step is learning how. We’ll build an actionable plan so that you can seamlessly integrate your newfound passion into your life. Not only will I help you create this actionable plan, but I will give continuous support to ensure that your passion is being followed. My career coaching is here to help propel you towards your goals. Don’t Wait for Your Life to Pass You By. Reach Out to Me Today If you feel that you
September 29, 2017
2.8 min read
Life Direction and Purpose
How To Find A Life Coach in Austin
Take Charge Of Your Life! That statement might mean something different to everyone and seem impossible for others, but with True North Life Coach, everyone can make it happen. Shelley Pernot is widely known in her field for her ability to seamlessly bring people, just like you, to living a healthier and more fulfilling life. You can easily find a life coach in Austin, with Shelley, and soon you’ll be living that dream you’ve been dreaming. A Better Day Is Coming Some days may feel like they never end, like you’re stuck. You try everything you can think of to find happiness, all the things that used to make you happy. But in reality, you’ve evolved over time into the person you are today. You’ve encountered battles of all kinds, which has only made you a stronger person. Life is different. You are different. This could be scary, but you can embrace that new you by finding new ways to enjoy life. How? By choosing a life coach. Check Out The Resources Shelley is equipped with the training and knowledge to guide you in making your minor or huge life change. Not only does she have the coaching experience, but she has the ability to personalize any client’s path to success. When it comes to life coaching, preparation is key. Some of you will be trying to find a new career in a completely new industry, some are deciding if you should make a move to another country to travel the world, some are just looking for advice on if you’re making healthy life choices. All of these choices need lots of thinking and scenario building, which requires time and patience. Shelley can coach you on really digging into your dreams and filtering through how to achieve them. Contact Shelley Today! You have found your life coach in Austin! Now’s the time to hit the ground running. Shelley Pernot’s new book, Running on Empty: The Irreverent Guru’s Guide to Mindfulness, is available to learn more about her life coaching methods. For a limited time, you can download chapter two for free and get a closer look at how she can help you find your true north. If you are ready to schedule your free 30-minute consultation with Shelley, please fill out this contact form. You, too, can take charge of your life when you choose Shelley Pernot with True North Life Coach.
September 15, 2017
2.1 min read