• Read Follow Your Dreams with Career Coaching In Austin

    Career Coaching

    Follow Your Dreams with Career Coaching In Austin

    A job is something you clock into every day and clock out of every night. It’s a short-term duty and a stepping stone. A career, however, is what you’re reaching for – what you’re working toward. A career is the pinnacle of your hard work and years of training. If you’re ready to focus on making that destination achievable, but you don’t want to go it alone, then it’s time to hire a career coach in Austin. Shelley Pernot is your professional source for career coaching and is prepared to show you how achievable your dreams can be. Discover Your Passion, Chase That Dream Career coaching is a judgement-free zone and often can be therapeutic. This is the perfect time and place to honestly discuss not only your passions and dreams but also your anxieties. Ultimately this is your opportunity to discover the risks you are and are not willing to take. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; this is why your career coach is here. Shelley tackles coaching as a team member with you, and she is always on your side. What to Expect During Career Coaching in Austin? Are you wondering what to expect during your career coaching in Austin? Expect to feel empowered by your goals, inspired by your growth and challenged by your fears. Shelley will take you step-by-step through your unique actionable plan of attack. She will help you find your own happiness in your career. Get in Touch With Shelley Today! Looking for more information about Shelley Pernot and her career coaching methods? See for yourself just how much of a team member she can be by clicking this link for a free copy of chapter two of her new book, Running on Empty, The Irreverent Guru’s Guide to Filling Up with Mindfulness. You can also contact her by filling out this form to schedule a free 30-minute consultation or give Shelley a call at (512) 200-4269.

    June 26, 2017


    1.7 min read

  • Read Finding Your Own Life Coach In Austin

    Life Direction and Purpose

    Finding Your Own Life Coach In Austin

    Our lives can take us down roads we never imagined, whether they are rocky or smooth. And sometimes, that brings us to need some guidance or direction from an expert. If you’re wondering how to navigate the next fork in your life journey, you can find comfort in hiring a life coach in Austin. Looking for a Life Coach in Austin? Hiring a life coach is a great first step towards empowering yourself and energizing your life! The choice to hire a life coach in Austin might be just what you need in order to confidently pursue your dreams. Shelley Pernot’s career has been spent developing comprehensive life coaching methods for all sorts of needs – work life balance, relationship issues and even career problems to name a few. Shelley understands everyone comes from different backgrounds and has values all their own, which is why she takes the time to fully understand all of her clients. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone We all have a comfort zone that can keep us stuck. Perhaps you’re wondering if there’s more to life than what you’re currently living – those risky questions like “am I truly happy?” or “what if I tried a new approach?” are currently ringing in your ears. Life coaches are here to help you step outside your comfort zone and show you that beyond this zone lies growth and amazing new possibilities. Conquer Your Fears Can you think of a time when fear kept you from being happy? Maybe fear has gotten in the way of your biggest dream because you’ve convinced yourself you’ll never reach it and you’re afraid you’ll fail. Shelley will coach you through that fear and open your eyes to everything you’re capable of! Shelley’s Only a Phone Call Away Are you interested in learning more about Shelley Pernot and her life coaching methods? For more information, click this link for a free copy of chapter two of her new book, Running on Empty, The Irreverent Guru’s Guide to Filling Up with Mindfulness. You can also contact her by filling out this form to schedule a free 30-minute consultation or give Shelley a call at (512) 200-4269.

    June 16, 2017


    1.9 min read

  • Read Career Change Coaching In Austin Is Here!

    Career Coaching

    Career Change Coaching In Austin Is Here!

    The Time Is Now To Start The Change How often do you think to yourself, “How can I make a living at something I’m truly passionate about?” Maybe your current role doesn’t give you the satisfaction you’d once hoped for or you’re simply interested in exploring a new path. If either of these are the case for you, then it’s time for you to consider career change coaching in Austin. Many people work a job that solely pays the bills, but what if you had a career you care deeply about and can’t wait to do every day! Shelley Pernot will be by your side as you get there. No Matter Your Specialty, Shelley Can Help Shelley Pernot has experience working with clients in industries across the spectrum such as hospitality, medical, business, finance, you name it. And while the duties and titles may differ from person to person, everyone has the same wish: the motivation to do more. At True North Coaching, Shelley helps you get clarity on the core reasons you are looking to make a career change as well as clarity on what you really want and need in a new career. Based upon your own set of values and beliefs, she designs her career change methods around YOU because this is YOUR future.  How to Start Your Career Change Coaching In Austin The first step to starting your career change is to take action and set up a free initial consultation with True North Coaching. Perhaps you have a strong sense of what your career change needs to be. Perhaps you don’t. If the future is fuzzy, no problem.  Shelley has a number of exercises and techniques at hand to help you get the focus you need to more forward. See Your Future Through Shelley’s Eyes Shelley Pernot approaches career change coaching in Austin in her own personal style. To get a sneak peek into her perspective, click this link for a free copy of chapter two of her new book, Running on Empty, The Irreverent Guru’s Guide to Filling Up with Mindfulness. You’re also welcome to fill out her contact form to get more information or give Shelley a call at (512) 200-4269.

    May 31, 2017


    1.9 min read

  • Read 4 Reasons to Talk to A Career Coach in Austin

    Career Coaching

    4 Reasons to Talk to A Career Coach in Austin

    What Is a Career Coach? Careers take curves, twists, and dives like rollercoasters. The difference is that despite these twists and turns a rollercoaster is on a track while your career may not always be. If you find yourself wondering, “Why am I not fulfilled in my career?” or “Why do I feel stuck in my career?”, then perhaps your train is off track and the next step is to contact a career coach in Austin, TX, like Shelley Pernot at True North Life Coaching. 4 Reasons to Talk to A Career Coach in Austin Bring Your Current Career into Focus You can’t figure out where you’re going until you figure out where you are now. Shelley Pernot knows that as well as anyone. Quite often we are acutely aware we’re not happy in our current role, but we’re not exactly sure why. Getting clarity on what isn’t working is the first step to getting clarity on what the next move should be. Shelley Pernot will seamlessly guide you through this process. Bounce Ideas Off Someone A career coach in Austin can be a sounding board for your ideas. A career is not something anyone should shuffle through mindlessly. It takes strategic thought and a plan to get ahead in your career. Shelley Pernot will help explore new ideas with you, so you can be certain you’re moving ahead in the right direction. Figure Out Your Calling We all want to follow our passion when it comes to a career. The saying goes, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Figuring out what you want to do with your career is a key aspect of how a career coach in Austin, Texas, can help you. To this end, Shelley Pernot is an established career coach who uses a number of excellent assessment tools that will help you get the clarity you need. Career Counseling Provides Direction on Achieving your Goals Once you know what your calling is and what you want out of your career, True North Life Coaching can help you understand what the next steps are. Career coaching is not going to give you strict guidelines for how to achieve your aims or make a change. What it will do is to help you to figure that out for yourself. Get A Feel for True North Life Coaching’s Style If you want to get a feel for how Shelley Pernot approaches career coaching and life coaching, click this link for a free copy of chapter two of Shelley’s new book, Running on Empty:  The Irreverent Guru’s Guide to Filling up with Mindfulness.  It’s packed with helpful exercises and guidance for finding your passion and purpose in this hectic and busy world.

    May 23, 2017


    2.4 min read

  • Read How Can You Benefit from a Career Coach in Austin?

    Career Coaching

    How Can You Benefit from a Career Coach in Austin?

    How can you benefit from a career coach in Austin? We’ve all had the experience of being stuck or wanting a change. So, what’s the solution? Do You Need a Career Coach? Are you ready for a promotion? Is it time for a career change? Are you considering starting your own business? Are you wondering if you will ever find a career you are passionate about? Only you know the answers to these questions, but a career coach in Austin, TX, can help you figure out how to get there. Career Coaches Understand Today’s Recruitment Methods Today’s job search process is very different than generations before us – company outreach relies heavily on social platforms such as LinkedIn, plus networking is more important than ever. Career trajectories have also changed over the years, which sometimes makes the future less clear.   Working with a career coach in Austin can help you navigate this new age of electronic resumes and virtual networking. Shelley Pernot is ready to work with you to create your strategy and walk with you step-by-step to ultimately accomplish your goal. Realize Your Core Reason to Hire a Career Coach Many people look to career coaches for guidance on finding the right fit in their current business. Some look for information on how to start a whole new path. Shelley Pernot provides you with helpful tools from start to finish, no matter how big of a change you’re looking to make. Studies show that not only do clients often meet their goal of finding their new job when working with a career coach, but they also gain confidence in themselves and develop a better understanding of their true values based on self-discovery.    Your Dream Job Awaits! You’ve likely been thinking of how to best summarize your dream job. But, maybe you’ve run out of ideas. Or, ideas are a plenty and you’re paralyzed by all the options out there. Shelley Pernot knows how to help people get “unstuck” in their careers. She specializes in helping you realize your passions and realistic ways to follow your dream.   Free Consultation With A Career Coach In Austin Shelley is prepared to coach you toward your next career decision. Contact Shelley Pernot today for your free career coaching consultation by filling out our contact form or calling (512) 200-4269. And if you’re looking to get a jump start on finding your dream job, download chapter two of Shelley’s new book Running on Empty here. It’s filled with exercises to help you tune into your passion and get clear about what you really want. Your future awaits!  

    April 19, 2017


    2.3 min read

  • Read Want To Change Careers? See A Career Coach in Austin, TX!

    Career Coaching

    Want To Change Careers? See A Career Coach in Austin, TX!

    Do I Need a Career Coach? It’s important to realize your career doesn’t have to be broken in order to reach out to a career coach in Austin, TX.  You don’t have to be at a point where you hate your job.  Maybe it just doesn’t fit you very well anymore.  Or maybe you just want to try something different.  There are a number of reasons why you may want to reach out to a career coach: How can I find a career where I really get to use my gifts? How can I find a career that I feel passionate about? I feel like I’m living a version of Groundhog Day, doing the same thing day in and day out. On paper everything looks great career-wise, but I still feel like something’s missing. I thought if I made it to this point in my career I’d be happy, but I’m not. How Can a Career Coach Help? A skilled career coach will help you figure out both the “why” and the “what” when it comes to your career, which ultimately leads to lasting career change.  Asking “what do you want to do instead?” is often putting the horse before the cart, and the reason why a lot of career coaching falls short of delivering lasting change.  Instead, it’s much more helpful to start with the deeper question of “why:” Why do you get up in the morning? Why is a new career so important to you? Why do you do what you do? Once you know your why, the what tends to fall into place naturally.  A successful career coach will facilitate this discussion and provide ongoing support along the way. Seeing a Career Coach in Austin, TX Shelley Pernot is a career coach and counselor in Austin, Texas who has a wealth of experience with career coaching and helping her clients find the career fulfillment they crave. Pernot is intensely familiar with these struggles, as she was struggling with her own career a number of years ago. When she eventually figured out what was wrong, it was simple enough: she was living someone else’s version of what she thought her life should look like. She made a dramatic career change and became determined to help others discover their own true north. Contact Shelley Pernot for Career Coaching in Austin If you’re struggling in your career or thinking of switching careers, Shelley Pernot can help. If you’re interested in having a free career coaching consultation with Shelley, fill out this form or call (512) 200-4269. If you’d like an introduction to Shelley’s coaching style, and how she works as a career coach in Austin, TX, download a free copy of chapter two of her new book Running on Empty here.

    March 17, 2017


    2.4 min read