Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Spirituality, Well Being
An antidote for impostor syndrome – but it’s not quite what you think
Impostor syndrome is one of those interesting and universal things – in my opinion we all suffer from it. It shows up in many ways – failure to try new things because we’re afraid we’re going to fail, we don’t speak up in a meeting and so we never get credit for the idea, we don’t ask for the promotion, we don’t ask for help, we avoid asking for feedback or we over defend if we do get it, we overwork something to death because it’s not quite perfect yet, we fail to advocate for ourselves… We all suffer silently and repeat the same patterns I could go on and on. And we’re somewhat aware of the cost of this, as it makes life a lot more painful to live. We KNOW in our heads that we suffer from impostor syndrome. We might read books on it, we’ve taken the online quiz, maybe even our therapist told us. So we look for new techniques on how to solve this problem, we look to apply a new perspective and think carefully about what the morning affirmation needs to say (that is, if we remember to do it.). Maybe we practice meditation hoping and praying it will disappear, or we call our doctor and ask for a prescription for the daily anxiety we’re battling and just can’t seem to shake no matter how successful we are, no matter how many things get ticked off the to do list. Because there’s always more. We practice self-care because that’s the solution, right? A massage, getting the nails done, we tell ourselves that we need to be kinder to ourselves. But deep down we KNOW we don’t deserve it. Our nails look great and inside we’re still a mess. And we go about our business of repeating the same cycles, the same patterns of suffering, because obviously there’s no real fix to this, otherwise somebody would have figured it out by now. Impostor syndrome can’t be solved by the same thinking that creates it There is a fix. The problem is we’re often looking in the wrong place. Impostor syndrome can’t be solved by the same problem that creates it. It’s not a thinking problem. It can’t be solved in the head. It can only be solved in the heart. The heart – an interesting concept for many of us to take in. It’s a place many of us aren’t super familiar with and frankly don’t have much experience with. And yet we all have one. How does this happen and how can this be? Because adulthood often entails learning how not to feel things. Learning how to hide things. Learning how to cope with the difficulties of life, and feelings will just get in the way and get us in trouble. We learn early on as children that feelings are often scary and if we express them, we’ll probably get punished, or worse. We learn how to not take emotions to work because emotional
October 17, 2023
5.7 min read