Career Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Life Direction and Purpose, Motivation, Well Being
Are you comparing yourself to others? Look inward instead.
I look around and see everyone is pursuing these amazing careers and they have great lives. They all seem to know what they’re doing, and they have a purpose. I don’t understand why I can’t get in gear. What’s wrong and missing in me that I can’t figure it out? I hear this a lot as a career coach. And I also recognize it’s hard not to compare yourself to others. When we are caught up in the cult of comparison, we are often caught up in the trance of the inner critic. It’s our brain’s flawed way of trying to motivate ourselves to move into action by using comparison as the carrot to dangle in front of our faces or more aptly the switch to use on our backs. It works up to a point where it stops working as a motivator. We prove and we prove and we prove and then we get tired. And wonder what it was all for. And that is when we find ourselves on the messy path to growth. To wholeness. To uncovering our true value. When I first started out as a coach, my confidence was lower. I was trying something new; I was worried about whether I would be a success and I spent a lot of time and energy ruminating about what I was doing in relation to other coaches. I’d see their fancy LinkedIn posts of workshops they were running, filled with pictures of smiling participants, complete with slick materials bearing perfectly polished logos and I’d feel woefully inadequate. I’d use it as fodder to beat myself up with. I’d start to spring into action to post something, to plan something, in a desperate desire to compete, to put my own words out there too. And then I’d be riddled with thoughts about how my idea wasn’t as good. It would never work. And I’d abandon the idea to the graveyard we each have in our heads. Following your true north isn’t easy The inner critic comparison attack still happens from time to time for me, and chances it does for you too. But it looks a little different now. Recently I’ve turned down a few opportunities that have come my way, because I’ve sensed they weren’t the right path for me and didn’t resonate with my values. Perhaps they would have been right for a different coach, or if I had a different idea or vision for my business. And it was extremely hard to do because I knew deep down my inner critic wasn’t going to like it. I was afraid of the fire that I knew saying no would brew. Now Gertie (my inner critic) is telling me I was crazy to walk away from the revenue. Telling me I am woefully inadequate compared to the coaches that took that path and look how successful they are. And it’s getting in the way of progressing a couple of initiatives I want to kick off, which was […]
July 6, 2023
5 min read
Career Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Well Being
Feeling stuck? Learn to recognize the pesky voice of your inner critic.
There’s often a disconnect between what we want and where we find ourselves in this journey called life. Maybe you come up with an idea of something to try or to learn, but you find yourself quickly dismissing it or finding reasons to rationalize why it would never work. We often mistakenly perceive these things as a lack of motivation. “I guess I just didn’t want it enough. But when I find the right thing, I’ll know it because I’ll suddenly be motivated and filled with an intense passion!” Wrong. Motivation doesn’t just fly out of the air when you find the right thing. There is no right thing by the way. Cultivating motivation and passion has a lot more to do with what voices you’re letting speak inside that crazy thing called your head, rather than the specific thing that you’re focused on. In my experience as a coach, folks typically are stuck for one of two reasons. The answer lies in the source of the stuckness, and whether it has to do with an outer block or an inner block. What is an outer block? An outer block is an external constraint or barrier that gets in the way of a person achieving their goal. It’s something that needs to be planned for, managed, and actively worked. Let’s say I’m thinking of making a career transition, and I want to move into finance. Education will obviously be a barrier to me achieving this goal if I know nothing about numbers. So identifying a course or a program to enroll in, using time management skills to plan for this course, budgeting for this course will be key. Outer blocks are relatively straightforward and easy to coach. The problem is that most of us suffer from inner blocks when there is a disconnect from where we currently are to where we want to be, when we feel stuck or are lacking motivation. The sinister world of the inner block and the inner critic In my time as a coach, I’ve never met a client (including myself) who didn’t suffer from inner blocks and the curse of the inner critic. An inner block is a deep-seated belief that who we are and what we are just isn’t good enough and will never be enough. We all have an inner critic. Mine’s name is Gertie. Here she is: Gertie loves to fly around my head at warp speed and bump into things. She squeals with glee as she yells, “You don’t work hard enough Shelley!” Deep down Gertie knows that I’m lazy and I’ll never do what it takes to finish that new initiative or project. That online leadership academy I’ve been thinking about building and piloting – What a silly pipe dream! And then I start thinking to myself, “Well, maybe it wasn’t that important after all. Maybe I just didn’t want it that bad.” Or maybe I do, and I just allowed myself to get derailed because the inner critic […]
May 8, 2023
5.3 min read