Communication, Productivity, Well Being
What messages about your availability are you inadvertently sending? Part 1 – Email -How to set boundaries at work
I’ve decided to write a multi-part blog on a topic that is so important, it warrants a little extra attention. I was talking about how to set boundaries yesterday with a client, a freelancer who is working on growing her business, and struggles to optimize her time effectively. I think many of us fall into this bucket. I mean, who really does have perfect time management skills? But all the fancy apps and time management tricks mean nothing if we don’t challenge the limited beliefs that are guiding the everyday choices we make. Our beliefs about availability drive our behaviors I’ll give you an example. My IT guy, James (who is awesome by the way) has a way of working with clients, which he communicates clearly. I know in an emergency I am to call him immediately. A real emergency, not a fake Shelley kind of emergency like “could we change the color of the banner on my website – it looks too blue?” James knows me all too well… So far, I’ve only had to do this once, when my site domain got hijacked and my website got pulled down – a real thing by the way, and now I’ve learned all about the importance of 2-factor authentication. But I digress… Otherwise, if there is something non-emergency related I need I am to email him. James checks his email twice a day, once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. And aims to respond to client requests within 1-2 working days. If something is going to take longer than that, he gets back to me with a time estimate of when he can most likely complete the task. It’s a clearly communicated policy of how he deals with email and client requests. It’s so simple, it’s so brilliant, it’s so effective, and yet, most of us do the complete opposite. Why? Because deep down there’s often a dark, hidden, limited belief lurking in the shadows that says something like – “You have to be available all the time.” Or “If you’re not available, people won’t be able to trust you and rely on you.” Or “You have to be available 100% of the time for your clients or your business will fail.” Sound familiar? The people pleasing poison These beliefs are rooted in what I call one of the three poisons – or reactive tendencies that end up creating a lot of problems in our life and leadership. This particular poison is the one of the people pleaser – My self-worth is related to how much people like me. And we human beings are super inept at sitting with the discomfort of feeling like we are not liked. Notice I say “feeling” because often this is our perception, and perception does not equate to reality. Healthy people respect and honor appropriate and properly communicated boundaries. And because we’re not conscious these fears are lurking in the background, then we do stupid things like have the email notification […]
June 30, 2023
4.3 min read
How free are you really?
I spent the last few days up in Taos in the mountains on vacation, desperately trying to keep up with my energetic husband on the high mountain trails. As I was huffing and puffing up the slopes of Wheeler Peak at 13,200 feet, one has some time to think deep thoughts, the alternative is to be consumed with fear about sliding off the mountain. And as the 4th of July holiday passed, it inspired me to think about freedom, and what is means to be truly free. There are things like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the types of rights contained within our constitution. And then there are the more subtle elements that lie within the recesses of our minds. Because when you really start to think about what it means to be free, quite often, the inhibitor of our freedom lies within. Fixation on the Future To what extent do I really have control over my thoughts? Or am I a slave to anxiety, negativity, burnout? Often each day we’re locked in unconscious patterns of thought. Our focus and attention are hijacked. We forget our innate self-worth and often fixate on accomplishments and accolades as proof that we are worth something. Am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Have I accomplished enough? Will I ever have enough time to get everything done? We worry unnecessarily rather than focus on the moment we are in. We float through our day, half present, consumed by the thoughts in our head, not really connecting with others, not really enjoying the moment, or appreciating where we are at, because we’re so consumed by where we need to be. Once we get to where we think we need to be, we’re consumed by a new need, a new want. A new client, a new project, a new job, a new career. Because unfortunately when we’re fixated on the future, there’s no end in sight. Our needs and wants are unlimited. No wonder we’re so exhausted. Fixation on the Past Or maybe we’re ruminating on the past. Which can often be a recipe for depression. I should have done that differently. I shouldn’t have had that conversation that way. I messed up. I made a bad decision. If I knew then what I knew now… But the point is you didn’t. What are you holding onto from the past? How is holding onto this limiting your capacity to feel fully free? One of the principles of my coaching philosophy is “It’s impossible to make a mistake.” This is often difficult for many folks to grasp. We think about people we’ve wronged, bad decisions we’ve made, tests we’ve screwed up on. The list is long. But when you really get down to brass tacks and you think about those moments, you didn’t set out to “make” a mistake. Typically, you did the best you could in that moment with the level of consciousness you had. Or maybe instead of shame it’s anger and resentment […]
July 6, 2022
4.2 min read
Bummed Out Because You Messed Up? Try this…
I heard something today in yoga class. Sweaty and out of breath, laying in savasana, the teacher reminded us to tune into our breath, and said, “ If you find your mind wandering, find your breath and focus on it. The beautiful thing about your breath is it’s always there. You can always go back to it. You can always start again.” The Choice Trap And yet, we often act like we can’t. “I screwed things up with that client, I can never build it back up again.” “I didn’t major in the right thing in college, now I’m trapped.” “That acting thing didn’t work out. And now I’m too old and don’t have the right experience, no one is ever going to hire me.” “I was doing so great with that new habit, and then I lost traction. What’s the point, I may as well give up? I’ll never be able to get back into it now.” That last quote was mine today, in relation to this blog. I had set myself the task of writing 2 times a week, and this week it got away from me for no good reason. And then I look at my watch and realize it’s Thursday afternoon and I’ve written nothing this week. And then I told myself, “See Shelley, you knew you’d never do this. This is why you never should have started that stupid blog again in the first place! You don’t have what it takes to sustain this new habit. You might as well give up. You suck!” And then it got even worse, and I found myself in a pit of self-induced shame. Telling myself that I “should be” better at this by now, and I “should” practice the things I preach to my clients. The Problem with Should Until I realized I was “shoulding” all over myself – also something I warn my clients about. Dang. I hate it when I’m right. So here I am, MacBook in hand, and I told that voice to shut up today, because I choose to remember what my teacher said. I also choose to remember what William Glasser said, who wrote Choice Theory, one hell of a book, and coincidentally one of the best books I’ve ever read. (He’s dead, just in case you’re wondering, but not from making bad choices.) His premise was that every moment of every day is a choice. I can choose to believe I’m a failure, or I can choose to believe otherwise. I can choose to move closer to this person in this moment, or I can choose to move away from them. Will that choice serve me or not? In every moment there is some element of agency. Some element where I can become the master of my own fate, even if it’s just changing what I choose to believe about what happened. A very helpful thing indeed if I choose my own interpretation, because unfortunately I haven’t become omnipotent yet. Otherwise the […]
March 3, 2022
3.3 min read