Change, Leadership
How to Manage the Emotional Impact of Change
I’ve got to restructure my group, it’s a mandate from the top. Three are going to have to leave. I know how I’m going to make the decision as to who stays and who goes, but I don’t know what to do about the emotional impact on the group as a whole. How do I manage the emotional impact of change? It’s a question that came up in a group coaching session this week. An organization I’m working with currently is undergoing a profound amount of change. The tone on that call was somber. She wasn’t the only one facing this challenge. And the answer to the question? The answer is there is no easy answer. And that’s tough, because most of us who are in leadership positions got there because we’re good at solving problems. We’re type A people who know how to get sh#t done. Our tendency to be able to jump in and fix things is what has gotten us to the point we’re at, it’s our success formula so to speak. Utilize Compassionate Empathy for Managing the Emotional Impact of Change Managing the emotional impact of a reorganization or a significant change isn’t something that can just be easily ticked off a to do list. And this causes significant stress for a lot of leaders because in essence we feel helpless. In our ignorance of how to deal with the situation, we often end up ignoring the problem. Which makes things even worse. The bottom line is you don’t “fix” emotions. You hold the space for them gently. You acknowledge them, don’t try to rush people through them and don’t try to change them or make them go away. You let them be. Leading with compassionate empathy can be tricky. It’s not the same as pity or sympathy, where we feel sorry FOR the other person. It’s about allowing yourself to feel WITH them without taking the responsibility for solving their problem on your shoulders. In practice it looks quite simple but it can be quite difficult to do. 3 Steps for Navigating Change with Compassionate Empathy 1) Create a safe space. Maybe this is a 1:1 rather than a team meeting. You might ask, “How are you feeling about the change? How is the impending reorganization personally affecting you?” Ask a few open-ended questions and then wait. 2) Embrace any awkward silence that may arise. This can be excruciating if we’re not used to it and you might be tempted to fill the silence. Don’t. Trust me, they’ll eventually speak. And then deeply listen. Listen for the tone in their voice, listen for the specific words they’re using. Are they sad? Anxious? Angry? Resentful? Listen for the emotions present in what they are saying, even if they don’t name a feeling. 3) Acknowledge and validate what you’re hearing. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with their interpretation or how they’re processing the information. “It makes perfect sense that you’re frustrated. This is the
December 8, 2023
4.8 min read