Difficult conversations, Leadership
How to Say No…without sounding like a jerk
The last few weeks I’ve taught a number of courses on time and priority management for busy professionals. One topic that often comes up is the matter of saying no at the office. I often wonder if it’s because I’m based in the South, where we place a special emphasis on “being nice” and “sugar coating” things. And yet it comes up over and over again no matter what part of the US or world I’m working in. Questions like: Our mindset around saying no is Key I often hear concerns about guilt and what will other people think about me if I don’t help them. There are a lot of folks that inadvertently fall into the approval seeking trap. Many of us never develop the strong boundaries in childhood that we need to get us through life, and it rears its ugly head as we get older. And it really is a trap. When you’re stuck in it, you often experience what I call the “Plight of the Martyr,” where you’re constantly solving problems that are urgent for others but ultimately not important to you. And your key priorities fall to the wayside as a result. Think about that continuous improvement project that you’re constantly putting on the back burner. Or perhaps you’re wanting to get back in shape and find yourself sitting at your desk toiling away on an urgent deliverable for someone else and decide to skip that yoga class yet again. What’s interesting is that for some people (myself now included) saying no is not super difficult. When I ask folks who have an easier time why that is the case, they often explain that they value their time. They realize their deliverables and priorities are just as important as others. They also recognize that taking the monkey constantly off another person’s back isn’t a great way for them to learn. That is itself is an interesting reframe, because we often believe we are helping but in many instances, we could be hindering the growth and development of the person asking the favor. Ultimately it comes down to judgement. We do live in a society where reciprocity is valued, and it might make sense to say yes to a request when you recognize you might need a favor down the line. However, if you decide that saying no is the right option, then consider the following technique as a viable option that could save you heaps of valuable time. Use the AIM Framework to say no A – Acknowledge the request. “I can really tell you’re in a bind and I know how important this report is to you and your team.” When we acknowledge we are in effect repeating back that we’ve heard and demonstrate that we’ve understood the request. Don’t skip this part, as it’s important the other person feels that you’re listening and empathetic to their situation. I – Investigate other options. This is when you put on your coaching hat. And rather […]
October 6, 2022
4.5 min read