Difficult conversations, Relationships, Well Being
For my fellow conflict avoiders out there – here’s a powerful reframe
The last few months have been interesting ones, and much more challenging than usual. I’ve found myself in the middle of several conflicts and am still actively navigating my way through some of them. Like most human beings I don’t like conflict and have often looked for ways to avoid it in the past. Maybe I avoid having the difficult conversation or just avoid the person entirely. Navigating these murky conflicts has also been a struggle because I crave certainty. It’s often easier to handle a bad outcome if we know what the outcome is. The process of navigating through ambiguity, of uncertain outcomes, of not having closure can create a lot of angst. It’s been hard to sit with. But I’ve made a conscious choice to lean in rather than run and to get more comfortable with the things that are difficult to sit with. So sit I must. It’s been challenging too because I value relationships. I pride myself on showing up as a relationship-oriented person. I’ve worked hard to cultivate that over the course of my career – early on I got feedback that I tended to focus on my goals and objectives while ignoring that was important to others. I took the feedback seriously. I worked hard to bring more balance into my approach. To not be the kind of leader and colleague who only focused on task at the expense of relationships. To model servant leadership. To show up as a true collaborator with my peers. To put people first. Our inner critics will scare us out of conflict if we let them But no matter how much work I’ve done and no matter how many tools I have in my belt – all this outer turbulence has still managed to kick up inner turbulence in my mind. My inner saboteur has grown louder and louder as the conflict intensified. Maybe I haven’t worked hard enough on the feedback from early on? Maybe I’m bad at relationships after all? I should be better at difficult conversations at this point in my life. I should have learned all these skills by now. What kind of coach am I if I can’t practice what I preach? My saboteur has been using every trick in the book to get me to run away from the hard work and just throw in the towel. Conflict is scary after all. It’s funny how the mind works and how it plays tricks on us. For a long time, I think I viewed my worth as a human through the lens of my accomplishments. How much money did I earn this year? How many fortune 100 clients do I have? How many times have I had articles published? How many certifications do I have? These were the benchmarks by how I measured my success. And I say “were” very intentionally because I don’t think about these things so much anymore. I’ve learned to let go of many of these metrics as a […]
October 29, 2024
7.7 min read
Well Being
Too busy to meet a friend for coffee? Embrace your inner sloth…
“So how are you doing?” I asked an old friend the other day. “Busy! I’m just so busy at the moment. It’s crazy trying to find enough time in the day to get everything done. I don’t know where the time goes. How about you?” “Oh, keeping busy too I guess.” I vaguely hear myself mouthing the boilerplate response. The land of the crazy busy people I often feel as if I went to bed one night and woke up foggy headed and disoriented in the land of the busy people. You know the kind. Outwardly they appear as if in a perpetual rush. They’re surrounded by an aura of nervous, chaotic energy as they go about their daily business of running red lights, texting while driving, tapping their foot impatiently in the checkout line, intently replying to that next super urgent email on their smartphone, so focused they barely look up to mumble “Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip” to the bemused Starbucks barista. They tell you how much they meant to call you, but they’ve been running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Work has been insane. They promise to call soon, once their meditation class finally finishes. They say that it’s such a shame they don’t see you more often. Let’s make a date for coffee soon. I’m always left bewildered by these interactions. Is this crazy busy routine is just a clever ploy to avoid me? The second thing that crosses my mind is, “Why is the simple business of going about your life so damn complicated?” Because as far as I’m aware, none of these folks are busy solving the problems of the world or a front runner for the Nobel peace prize (present company included). Of course, there are things I could be doing but don’t (which I regularly beat myself up about) like working on yet another marketing campaign for my business or writing a new training course or perhaps even writing a fabulous new blog. But despite these things, I sometimes find myself bored. But bored is taboo these days. We’re not supposed to be bored. If we’re bored, something’s obviously wrong, because our Facebook statuses and Instagram pictures would indicate we’re all leading highly exciting, fast paced, idyllic lives full of meaning and purpose and god only knows what else. I’ve often thought about answering the “How are you” question honestly when I’m having an off day. I wonder what reaction I’ll get from the other party if I tell them I’m “bored and uninspired.” It may be similar to the look I got the other day at the liquor store when I was restocking the bar and mentioned to the cashier I was just picking a few things up to get me through the weekend. I often wonder, “How did crazy busy become our new normal?” As a child, I recall those moments of boredom that inspire you to light […]
February 8, 2022
6.5 min read
Communication, Relationships
The Silent Way You’re Sabotaging Relationships
A month after I packed in my job and started my own company, I decided to reward myself with a two-week meditation retreat. A few weeks of blissful self-reflection in the wilds of the Colorado mountains. A fitting start for a trail-blazing woman who has just left the madness of the corporate grind to embark on a new journey and start a business focused on personal development. It reminds me of that saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Perhaps you’ve heard of it? The setting was indeed idyllic. I spent the two weeks in a tent in a very remote part of the Colorado mountains with 120 other brave souls. So idyllic, in fact, that often a chipmunk or deer would wander in during meditation sessions and stare at the strange humans sitting on mats, staring off into space for hours on end. I often spent hours longing to be one of those deer. At least I could have escaped. The night before the retreat started, we gathered together for an orientation. During that session, it became clear to me that the meditation retreat really was just that – meditating. All day long. No rest for the weary. Sitting was to start at 7 am and end each evening around 9 pm. And it was at that point, the panic started to set in. Two weeks? Two weeks of sitting on a mat? My legs will go numb. My back will give out. I’ll die of boredom. And it was just at that precise moment, in my infinite wisdom, I realized I had inadvertently signed up for two weeks of my worst fear. For some people it’s snakes. For some it’s death. I, however, fear boredom and will do just about anything to avoid it. You may be thinking to yourself, “How could she have been so stupid?” (Which would be judgment, by the way, but we’ll get into that later.) And it’s true. It was indeed billed as a meditation retreat – make no mistake. But often the mind sees and interprets what it wants to see and interpret. After the first day, I was convinced I was going to claw my eyes out. Between sitting sessions, I sought out other like-minded meditators for much needed conversation where I blurted out my fears and concerns like a bulimic needing a good purge. And then the unthinkable happened. The head meditation instructor announced that the retreat was to become completely silent. No talking, even between the sitting sessions during breaks. Not one single word. If there was an emergency, we were to write a note. Resigned to my new silent fate, the next morning I was sitting on my mat, under the guise of meditation: “Uuuugh, I hope Eric doesn’t sit next to me again. He smells. It’s so disgusting, I don’t think he’s taken a bath since he’s been here. Why do I always get stuck next to the smelly person? Doesn’t he have any […]
January 20, 2022
7 min read