Emotional Intelligence, Relationships, Spirituality
The Beauty of Grace
I’ve been noticing a trend in popular culture lately as it pertains to relationships. Evidently, we live in a toxic world, full of narcissistic people who don’t deserve to have our friendship or our comradery as colleagues. We are often told by various self-help guru’s and other talking heads that we need to cut these people out of our lives. You know the kind of problem people I’m talking about. They’re the selfish, difficult ones who don’t respect boundaries. Who take and never give. And the most appropriate response is to ghost them, particularly if it’s a personal relationship. Ghosting a colleague or a boss at work is a bit tricker but many of us find ways to “work around” problem people or secure our escape in other ways, perhaps by changing departments or jobs. The problem is, it’s just not this simple. And there comes a point at which you can’t keep avoiding problem people, trust me I’ve tried. I’m not in any way advocating tolerating abuse, but there’s a difference between abuse and dislike. There’s a difference between abuse and valuing different things. We can put up wall after wall after wall, but the interesting thing about life is that it will keep sending you the same challenges over and over until you rise to the occasion and look more deeply inwards at what is really going on. Grace under pressure I’ve known my friend Morgan for years. She’s the amazing artist type, somewhat erratic, flies by the seat of her pants, creative and fun. I’m not, and that has been a point of contention over the years, especially as it relates to timeliness and honoring appointments. I expect her to agree to a time to meet and be there at that time. It doesn’t always happen. And so the tension had grown and grown in our relationship – I was becoming increasingly resentful of her tardiness, and I made it personal. That she didn’t respect me, that she didn’t care, that she didn’t give a damn. We had fought about this in the past and I just didn’t have the energy to re-engage, plus, she’s a better fighter than I am. I was ready to walk away from the relationship. So the other day I showed up for a walk at 8 am, the agreed time, and I rang the door and I waited. No Morgan. I called. No answer. I waited about 5 minutes and then I left. I went and got gas. I was looking at my phone, deciding which yoga class to go to instead, and I saw her name pop up. Normally I would have avoided the call – she lost the opportunity to walk with me, she can bear the consequences, and this friendship really is on its way out. So be it. Instead, I took the call and told her I’d come back to walk after I got the gas. Why did I do it? I’m still not sure. But I
February 8, 2024
6.8 min read
Change, Leadership
How to Manage the Emotional Impact of Change
I’ve got to restructure my group, it’s a mandate from the top. Three are going to have to leave. I know how I’m going to make the decision as to who stays and who goes, but I don’t know what to do about the emotional impact on the group as a whole. How do I manage the emotional impact of change? It’s a question that came up in a group coaching session this week. An organization I’m working with currently is undergoing a profound amount of change. The tone on that call was somber. She wasn’t the only one facing this challenge. And the answer to the question? The answer is there is no easy answer. And that’s tough, because most of us who are in leadership positions got there because we’re good at solving problems. We’re type A people who know how to get sh#t done. Our tendency to be able to jump in and fix things is what has gotten us to the point we’re at, it’s our success formula so to speak. Utilize Compassionate Empathy for Managing the Emotional Impact of Change Managing the emotional impact of a reorganization or a significant change isn’t something that can just be easily ticked off a to do list. And this causes significant stress for a lot of leaders because in essence we feel helpless. In our ignorance of how to deal with the situation, we often end up ignoring the problem. Which makes things even worse. The bottom line is you don’t “fix” emotions. You hold the space for them gently. You acknowledge them, don’t try to rush people through them and don’t try to change them or make them go away. You let them be. Leading with compassionate empathy can be tricky. It’s not the same as pity or sympathy, where we feel sorry FOR the other person. It’s about allowing yourself to feel WITH them without taking the responsibility for solving their problem on your shoulders. In practice it looks quite simple but it can be quite difficult to do. 3 Steps for Navigating Change with Compassionate Empathy 1) Create a safe space. Maybe this is a 1:1 rather than a team meeting. You might ask, “How are you feeling about the change? How is the impending reorganization personally affecting you?” Ask a few open-ended questions and then wait. 2) Embrace any awkward silence that may arise. This can be excruciating if we’re not used to it and you might be tempted to fill the silence. Don’t. Trust me, they’ll eventually speak. And then deeply listen. Listen for the tone in their voice, listen for the specific words they’re using. Are they sad? Anxious? Angry? Resentful? Listen for the emotions present in what they are saying, even if they don’t name a feeling. 3) Acknowledge and validate what you’re hearing. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with their interpretation or how they’re processing the information. “It makes perfect sense that you’re frustrated. This is the
December 8, 2023
4.8 min read
Emotional Intelligence, Leadership
The Scary Side of Success
One of the practices I often have leadership trainees do at the beginning of a session is to check in with how they’re feeling. I use a wheel of feelings that has 70-80 different emotions listed. And you may be wondering why – what would be the point of taking up valuable time to talk about feelings, especially when there is so much content to cover? Just get on with it! We often ignore emotion The problem is just that. We often ignore what we’re feeling, push it down, disregard it and just get on with it. But the feeling still comes with us. And what we don’t acknowledge often comes out sideways. Let’s say the crap hits the fan because of a recurring problem with a customer. A problem that you told them was fixed. Now you’re in a bad mood because you’re going to have to eat crow with your stakeholder and then you find yourself in a difficult conversation with a direct report to address the issue. You get triggered and can’t maintain your cool. Now you’ve alienated your direct report, and the customer is mad, and the problem still isn’t fixed. Doh! Or perhaps the feeling isn’t anger but stress and pressure. I’ll use myself as an example for this one. Over the past few months, I’ve been sicker than I’ve been in ages. It’s been extremely stressful coping with that while trying to keep all the plates in the air spinning, and I’ve been worried about my body’s ability to bounce back – something that has never troubled me in the past. I’ve been carrying so much heaviness in my chest and feeling utterly exhausted. I’ve found myself sighing out loud multiple times a day. And I kept ignoring it because I had too many things to do. Foolishly, I was ignoring my own advice. I looked at the feelings wheel the other day and decided to finally lean into it, rather than push the stress and overwhelm to the side. We push stress aside at our peril I’ve often been told that I’m very good at maintaining a façade. That I appear to have everything under control, I appear super calm on the surface, and I never need to ask for help. But looks can be deceiving. I started writing down a list of all the things that have been stressing me out over the last year – and it ended up being a very long list. A lot of it related to work, some to family, some to friends. And a lot of the work-related things were positive. More clients than I could handle, different types of work, expanded scopes, more interdependencies, expanded projects. But even the good stuff can bring stress. And yet I didn’t allow myself to acknowledge it, because the mindset of a coach should be that this is all so wonderful, and I should be positive all the time. I should see everything as an opportunity and never have
October 6, 2023
5.1 min read
Communication, Leadership
The doing versus the being of listening. There are no shortcuts if you really want to connect with people.
“My boss says all the time now, ‘I hear you,’ when I’m telling them something. But the problem is, do they really? It feels like they’ve been on a leadership course, and this is something that they’re trained to say. Is this the case? Is that what you’re teaching people these days?” I don’t blame her for being upset. When I hear things like this, I want to bang my head against a wall. It’s a perfect example of hearing something in a leadership class, and then applying it on autopilot as a box tick exercise. People aren’t stupid, and they can always smell when someone isn’t being authentic and is just going through the motions. I’ll just say the things they tell me to say. And that will get the result I want. Wrong. Leadership skills aren’t meant to be a crash course in manipulation. And even though I often say leadership is more about who you are being than what you are doing, there are still so many folks who show up to a course looking for a quick tip or trick that will miraculously transform a relationship without putting in the hard work. The doing versus the being of listening Let me explain what I mean by doing and being. Doing – is about developing leadership skills and practising them until they form new habits. It takes persistence, practice, and hard work. These could be skills pertaining to having feedback conversations, listening skills, performance conversations, delegating tasks, coaching, giving presentations, time management. These are some of the skills related to successful leadership and we must practice them, as the more we practice the more leadership competency we build. Practice makes better. Being – is a journey of leadership self-exploration. When we are more self-aware and accessing our Learner Mindset we can manage our well-being, build stronger relationships, innovate, and deliver higher performance levels. Being is about how you are showing up. Are you just going through the motions, or do you really care about your employees, the team, and the work product? If you value things like integrity, is that visible to others in our behaviour? Would others describe you as a person with a high degree of integrity? The question I often ask leaders to explore this aspect of beingness is “Why on earth would anyone follow you?” It’s meant to be provocative, because there is often a disconnect between how we want to be perceived and how our beingness is landing with others. So back to my participant’s question. One of the skills that I often illustrate is acknowledging and validating what you’re hearing another person say. That goes way beyond parroting a phrase like, “I hear you.” Here’s what I said to that participant: “It sounds to me that you’re frustrated. And it makes perfect sense that you would be because I’m hearing that authenticity is important to you. You wonder whether your boss is paying attention, or just parroting something they’ve been told
September 14, 2023
4.1 min read
Authenticity, Leadership, Mindfulness, Well Being
A tip for releasing negative self talk
As human beings we are masters at creating narratives. We create colorful stories that have the capacity to stir up emotion. And that can be very wonderful and inspiring. I’ve often said that emotions are the elixir of life. The problem with our innate gift for story telling is that we often tend to cling to the negative and painful narratives and replay them repeatedly in our minds. If she just hadn’t said that. If I just hadn’t done that. Then the relationship wouldn’t have been ruined. I wouldn’t be in such dire straits. We create headlines of negativity And off this rumination we create high level headlines, scripts that sound like: I am always getting taken advantage of. I am estranged from this relative. I am always making bad choices. I am bad at leadership. I am horrible at relationships. I am not assertive enough. I am weak. I am not hardworking enough to pull that off. I am overweight. I am stupid. I am never going to get ahead in life. I am damaged. I am a victim. I am powerless to change anything. Just let it go, right? We’re often told by self help experts that we have to let go of these negative scripts. Release the negative self talk, they exclaim! But how? Especially when they’re so ingrained. Many of these stories have been kicking around in our brains for decades. Maybe I’m crazy for saying this but “Let that sh%t go” sounds trite and condescending. If it was that easy, I would have done it by now, is what I often think when I’m met with platitudes like that. I often speak about the power of language with folks I am coaching, and direct coaching clients to pay particular attention to anything that comes after the phrase “I am.” Why? Because words are literally magic. And they have the capacity to expand the possibilities in our lives or close them down for good. Words, whether spoken out loud or spoken in our head, are incredibly powerful. If you’ve ever read or heard of the book, The Four Agreements, Ruiz speaks to this when he addresses the first agreement – Be impeccable with your word, who says: “You can measure the impeccability of your word by your level of self-love. How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word.” Beware of the negativity bait and switch So what would impeccability of word look like as it pertains to releasing negative self-talk? Would it be the converse? Instead of I am not weak, perhaps the answer lies in the reverse – I am powerful. That would be convenient, wouldn’t it? Just a simple bait and switch should be enough to do the trick, right? In my experience it’s tough to go from one extreme to the other. We as humans also have an animalistic ability to sniff out the falseness of a message. If
August 23, 2023
4.8 min read
Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Well Being
Lean into the restlessness, rather than run
Today’s blog is hitting on a topic near and dear to my heart. It reminds me of the proverbial phrase, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” If you grew up in the South like I did, you’ve probably heard a version of this in your formative years. And if you didn’t – welcome to my world, filled with many such sayings like this one and “There are a million ways to skin a dead armadillo.” (the latter of which we won’t be focusing on today just in case you were wondering…) Idle hands aren’t the problem But we do live in this way – idle hands are to be avoided at all costs. I’ve often wondered why. Maybe, deep down, we’re afraid of calm. Fearful of it even. Silence can be terrifying if we’re not used to it. When I first started practicing mindfulness and meditation, I heard horrible stories about adverse reactions folks were having upon trying a few minutes of meditation. It scared me as a facilitator. Panic attacks. Participants reporting they felt their skin was crawling. And when I’ve felt forced to sit for a long time at a meditation retreat, I’ve often experienced similar sensations. Feelings like boredom can be unbearable, especially if we always have the constant companion of the smartphone and scrolling to keep us company. That’s the annoying problem with mindfulness practices like meditation. They’re difficult only because we must sit with ourselves. We are finally alone with ourselves. And when you’re alone and have nothing to distract you, you have no choice but to feel what you’re feeling. Human beings are masters at avoiding feeling the difficult things. We become workaholics, alcoholics, shopoholics, foodoholics instead. I’ve even seen working out become an obsession. I have a friend who manages this dance better than anything I’ve ever seen. She runs a successful business, she’s always on the go. She stays in perpetual motion. We have a party and she’s on her phone responding to a text, in-between bouncing around from guest to guest engaging them in banter, then running to the kitchen to straighten things, helping with the dishes (which I greatly appreciate by the way!). I don’t think I’ve ever seen her sit still. There’s a look in her eyes that I’ve picked up on, she’s scanning the room looking for the next thing she can do, straighten, clean, or put away. I get this compulsion all too well because quite often I’ve been this person. If you look hard enough in those moments, you’ll notice what’s sitting underneath the surface is a restlessness. An emptiness. The restlessness is a clue – We’re really running on empty I’ve been feeling quite a bit of this myself lately, so I know. The difference is I’ve finally learned it’s not a sign that I need to speed up. That’s how I used to handle it. I would find ways to occupy myself, anything I could do to keep that empty, restless, grasping, sticky feeling
July 27, 2023
4.9 min read